The most popular of Favuzzi sauces: velvety crushed tomatoes are seasoned with fresh basil leaves for a delicious herbal flavour.
This basic italian sauce is the perfect complement to all your favourite types of pasta: spaghetti, ravioli, gnocchi, cannelloni, etc. It is also delicious spooned over polpettes and arancini. Authentically italian pasta dishes are not served swimming in sauce. The average proportions are 375 ml (1 cup) tomato sauce for 500 g (1 lb) pasta. Don't throw away all your pasta cooking water: it's a good idea to add a bit to your sauce.
Mix in to cup (or a ladleful) of cooking water with the sauce before adding the pasta. The salted, starchy water will enhance flavours and thicken the sauce, helping it stick to the pasta.
FAVUZZI Basil Sauce
Made in Italy
Tomato pulp and sieved datterino tomatoes 90% (Italy), extra virgin olive oil, onions, carrots, celery, basil 1%, sea salt, garlic, pepper, citric acid (acidifier)